I have my last EYD game of this first round on Wednesday. And I have my last City League game on Sunday.
Now that I'm done with finals, I'll be spending a lot more time on Go. :)
Here are my last three EYD games, with some comments from the reviews.
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[15/300 Canadian]
PW[Koons]PB[greyhound]BR[2d]DT[2016-05-03]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Game 2 of EYD (Black won by resign).]RE[B+Resign]
(;B[pn]BL[2184.719]C[This was a bad idea for Black. (And White should not have peeped.) ]
;B[ln]BL[2067.991]C[This is also a bad idea for Black. It helps White to fix. Instead, Black should leave it, threatening to possibly bring out the cutting stone later.]
;B[bk]BL[1932.466]C[In-Seong says this is no longer a joseki and I should just erase it from my mind. I've always called this the "useless joseki", but I thought it was ok for Black in this situation. (I was wrong.)]
;W[fl]WL[1456.166]C[White tried too hard here. White should just defend. He is already ahead.]
(;W[be]WL[137.649]OW[7]C[White should not play this one, which leaves a painful atari for Black. ]
;W[do]WL[95.945]OW[6]C[This move is sente against the corner, but I misread it.]
;B[ch]BL[142.84]C[Black was able to reduce this area a lot to win the game.
(No more commentary after this point.)]
(;W[an]C[Applying 1-2-3 reading, White should play here to kill.
(This one made it into the 2nd week highlights lecture!)]
;B[cm]C[Black's best response is here (I got as far as this in my reading, and I thought Black could live this way, which is why I tenuki'd). ]
;W[ao]C[But White can play here. (I did *not* see this one.)]
(;B[co]C[If Black plays this way, ]
(;B[am]C[If Black plays to defend this eye...]
(;W[cg]C[White should just defend out here.]))
(;W[be]C[White should just respond here.]))
(;B[jb]C[It's better for Black to block here and chase White out.]))
(;W[hr]C[This is a better response for White, threatening to link, but also protecting against Black coming under when Black plays down to separate.]))
(;B[ck]C[Black should play in the middle, so that White doesn't get a nice pincer from his thickness.]))
(;B[qq]C[Black should instead take the corner, which is a lot of points and makes White weaker.]))
(;B[nq]C[Black is supposed to play another move here. Otherwise, when White lives inside, Black has a wall facing a strong White group.]))
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[15/300 Canadian]
PW[greyhound]PB[InProgress]WR[2d]DT[2016-05-07]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Game 3 of EYD (Black won by 5.5)]RE[B+5.50]
;W[hq]WL[2322.7]C[I really need to study some pro games with Chinese opening. I don't know how to handle it.]
(;W[jr]WL[2301.699]C[This is wrong -- it helps Black.]
;W[qh]WL[2239.438]LB[qh:C][di:B][pk:A]C[This is wrong (and really important). The whole left side is open. This is the biggest area. Black got A, so White should take a move around B. White C is the next level down (in terms of worth), but White played C before B. This is a mistake. ]
;W[jh]WL[1745.2]C[Wrong direction. Black can peep to make White heavy. White should move toward the center to reduce and make shape.]
;B[gj]BL[1431.641]C[Black playing here first is terrible for White. (But White does need another move on the bottom.)]
;W[qn]WL[44.01]OW[2]C[This was a misclick.
(No more commentary after this point.)]
(;W[bi]C[This is better for White.]))
(;W[ji]C[White needs to respond to this peep.
Also, if White does play on the bottom, R8 doesn't work. White should play R9.]))
(;W[mh]C[This is weird, but removing the liberties helps.]
(;W[oi]C[White can come in a bit.])))
(;B[nb]C[Black should play under.]))
(;W[lp]C[White should come in instead to attack/reduce.]))
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[15/300 Canadian]
PW[greyhound]PB[franck]DT[2016-05-11]EV[Yunguseng League May 2016]RO[4]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]SO[http://www.yunguseng.com]C[Game 4 of EYD (White won by 7.5)]RE[W+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[2390.441]N[greyhound vs franck]
;B[jq]BL[2145.924]TR[lp]C[It's ok for White to just leave this stone.]
(;W[jp]WL[1989.188]C[This was a bad idea for White. ]
;W[lq]WL[1890.016]LB[eo:A]C[Now the cut is not so powerful.]
;W[cj]WL[1255.956]C[White gets away, but has fewer points than in the game.]
(;W[be]WL[790.278]C[White gave up, but White does have something in the corner.]
;B[jb]BL[1401.93]C[Now Black even got the hane.]
(;B[gp]BL[1092.617]C[This was Black's losing move. Black should just block.]
(;B[in]BL[911.555]C[No need for Black to connect here.]
(;W[jg]WL[265.886]C[Too soft.]
(;W[ge]WL[240.787]OW[9]C[This was a bad ko threat.]
(;B[aq]BL[265.205]C[This is not the best play for Black.]
(;W[bp]WL[155.338]OW[2]C[White should not respond.
(No more commentary after this point.)]
(;W[nl]C[Take points.])
(;B[ap]C[Black should play here.]
(;W[hb]C[White should play this one.]
;W[gb]C[greyhound [2d?\]: i was looking for it, but couldn't find it
(;B[qh]C[Better for Black to protect this way.]
(;W[fc]C[White can think about this one...]
(;W[dc]C[White has this one.]
;W[cc]LB[eb:A][bd:B]C[Now White looks for A or B.]
;W[db]LB[ba:D][hb:C][ed:A][fd:B]C[White looks for A or D.]))
(;B[eh]C[Black should tiger mouth first.]
;B[df]C[White is in trouble.]))
(;W[ej]C[White should just defend -- lots of points, no problems.]))
(;W[eo]C[White can't cut now.]
(;B[rm]C[Black should atari.]
(;B[qo]C[Black could also play this way.])
(;B[ro]LB[po:B][rp:A]C[Black should atari first.]
(;W[rm]C[White must play here.]))
(;W[eo]C[White's best move is to cut here.]
;W[in]C[White reduces Black while building the left side.])
(;W[ln]C[White could also just jump out.]
;W[eo]C[Then cut.]