Meanwhile, I'm going to try to catch up on posting the rest of my EYD games from this past season. In both of these games here, I played a mistake or two early on and then my opponents played well and I never got a chance to catch up. This is why it's so important to play strong players to get better.
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[15/300 Canadian]
PW[greyhound]PB[bkorbe]WR[2d]BR[2d]DT[2016-07-07]EV[Yunguseng League July 2016]RO[3]PC[The KGS Go Server at]SO[]RE[B+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[2377.928]C[White: greyhound
Black: bkorbe
Result: B+Resign
]N[greyhound vs bkorbe]
(;W[fp]WL[2224.809]TR[ip][hq][iq]SQ[jp]C[This move is too slow. White doesn't need it.
If the White triangle move is at any of the triangle spaces, White doesn't need to answer. If White is 3 spaces away (at the square), White does need an answer, because Black can separate completely.]
;B[de]BL[2128.331]C[Black gets to play here.]
(;B[db]BL[2027.256]C[Black doesn't really have time to play here.]
(;W[cb]WL[2168.23]C[This response is too slow for White.]
;B[id]BL[2009.777]C[Now the game is good for Black, and Black continued to play good moves, so White never really got a chance to catch up.]
;B[kq]BL[1956.696]TR[fp]C[Black gets a chance to play this one, again because the marked move was too slow. Good for Black.]
(;B[of]BL[1809.953]C[This Black jump is unnecessary.]
;W[rm]WL[2036.733]C[This is so big.]
;W[ro]WL[1883.332]C[White even gets this one, threatening to jump in at S3.]
(;W[rg]WL[1839.417]C[This move is not very big because Black is already alive.]
;B[ke]BL[1583.681]C[This attach is good.]
(;B[jd]BL[1562.409]C[This exchange was not good for Black.]
;W[ih]WL[1775.97]C[White tries to reduce, ]
;B[ij]BL[1465.638]C[But Black's attack to build points on the bottom is good.]
;W[re]WL[1305.702]C[Black can live, so this attack is not doing much.]
(;W[mh]WL[620.476]C[White doesn't have time to connect here. ]
(;W[ok]C[Even if White plays here to fix the weakness, it is still a good game for Black.]))
(;B[je]C[Black should just pull back. This is a typical thing that happens in Go -- if you have to connect afterwards anyway, you often don't want to play the atari or other forcing move. Just protect yourself, force your opponent to protect, and then you get to take sente.]))
(;W[rq]C[White should just play here right away. ]
;B[qr]C[Make a few exchanges and play elsewhere. ]))
(;B[rp]C[Probably Black should block this side.]))
(;B[rm]C[Much bigger.]))
(;W[fc]C[White should clamp to give Black pressure.]
;W[ff]C[Quite ok for White.])))
(;B[ic]C[Black should just extend directly.]))
(;W[lq]TR[pn]C[White should play this way. Black plays the marked cover for big influence, but if White plays this way it looks ok for White.])
(;B[fr]C[If Black plays down, ]
;W[gq]C[White just lets Black crawl on the bottom.])
(;B[fo]C[If Black jumps, ]
;W[gr]C[White pushes, peeps and connects under. I've been studying these on the GJ site, but until it comes up in a game, it's academic.])))
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[15/300 Canadian]
PW[greyhound]PB[feiyang]WR[2d]DT[2016-06-28]EV[Yunguseng League June 2016]RO[4]PC[The KGS Go Server at]SO[]RE[B+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[2388.272]C[White: greyhound
Black: feiyang
Result: B+Resign
]N[greyhound vs feiyang]
(;W[pi]WL[2313.748]C[This is the losing move. (Yes, move 14.)]
(;B[cn]BL[1934.795]C[Since Black didn't come in right away, White has a chance...]
;B[fq]BL[1899.807]C[Black ends up very low on the bottom.]
(;W[ec]WL[2230.026]SQ[cl][ep]C[White's influence needs an extension.]
;B[ci]BL[1811.65]C[Black takes the extension from White's influence. This is good for Black.]
(;W[hc]WL[1971.285]C[White doesn't have time to play here.]
;B[pk]BL[1795.063]C[There is no good way to attack Black.]
(;W[nk]WL[1867.869]C[White covers, ]
;B[nh]BL[1776.713]TR[qf][ph]C[but Black just comes out. And White's marked stones become a weak group, so Black has no trouble.]
;W[pl]WL[1531.355]C[This is a nice idea, but...]
(;W[mc]WL[1456.214]C[This group is weak, so White has to come out.]
;B[jo]BL[1528.587]C[Black gets to play this side.]
(;W[jo]C[White doesn't have time to play here,]))
(;W[qq]C[White's best (not good) option is probably to play indirectly like this.]
;B[nk]C[If Black comes out,]
;W[kq]C[White can try something like this.])
(;B[qr]C[If Black plays this way, ]
;W[rr]C[White can take the corner and just little by little chase it. This still doesn't look good, but better than the game.])))
(;W[pk]C[White must defend. This is the last chance.]))
(;W[ch]C[White can play here now to get an extension from the influence.]))
(;W[ci]C[White can play here right away, or after exchanging the next two moves, but White needs to play on this side.]))
(;B[fp]C[Instead of jumping into the corner, Black can play here to get a more balanced shape on the bottom. In-seong talked about this in his lecture.]))
(;W[qq]C[White should attach here to make territory on the side.]
;B[lr]C[Black needs to play another move to protect the cut.]
;W[nj]C[So White can play to take guaranteed points.]))
(;B[pk]C[Black should just invade immediately. What can White do? There's no good way to attack Black, so White gets nothing.]))
(;W[pj]C[White should play here.]))