Saturday, March 4, 2017

Rank Update

Joe of the Go cookies asked at Audrey's birthday party of many surprises about my progress toward my 5 dan goal.  I think he was making fun of me when I said I was at 2 dan now and he pointedly asked what my rank was at the beginning of my 5Yto5D plan (1 dan).  But I still have 3.5 years to go, so I'm right on track (because we all know progress is linear, right?).

Thanks to Andrew's hard work on setting up Ronin League, I'm getting an occasional rated game in between tournaments.  My current rank is at an all-time high for me of 2.85:

(We use the floor function to decide rank, so I don't get to round up to 3 dan.)

My latest bump in rank came from my Season 1, Episode 3 game against Andrew:

I'll have another bump from my Season 1, Episode 4 game against Andrew played at our most recent Gojo.  I wonder if I can get to 3 dan just by beating Andrew...  ;)