Last week I lost my first AYD game. But then, the next morning I played a game that I knew would be reviewed by Guo Juan. In my AYD game, I had played Black. In my GJ game, I played White and my opponent obligingly played the exact same opening I had played as Black the day before! So I got to try the same game from the other side. :) Unfortunately, I didn't get my AYD review until after my second game. Here are comments from both.
AYD game:
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2400]OT[3x30 byo-yomi]
PW[boltar]PB[greyhound]WR[1d]DT[2017-05-16]PC[The KGS Go Server at]RE[W+Resign]
;B[pd]BL[2381.788]C[boltar [1d\]: no problem, works better for me too
(;B[rf]BL[2318.958]C[But this opening is pretty ok for Black.]
;B[hp]BL[2156.975]LB[cp:A]C[Now White's cut at A is not big (Black can extend and squeeze) and White is pressed down to the second line.]
;W[df]WL[1594.144]C[Good move locally, but right side is more urgent.]
(;B[dg]BL[1975.776]C[Black should also play the right side, which is bigger.
Also, locally, this is not the right move. This is a well-known bad move.
;W[nm]WL[1263.208]C[In-seong prefers White now, though Black is not behind by points. But White was bad before, but now made an even game.]
(;B[jl]BL[1401.319]C["better than nothing" but not really doing much.]
;W[kr]WL[926.481]C[White does not need to play here.]
(;B[ek]BL[1360.275]C[Black gets a chance to come in, but this move is slack.]
;W[fm]WL[693.889]C[Black is thin.]
(;B[rk]BL[1024.412]C[This move is also wrong.]
(;B[pl]C[Black needs to play the shoulder hit. Much more annoying.]
(;W[gi]C[White can just capture -- the cut is not working.]))
(;B[cj]C[Black should invade directly. Much more annoying for White.]
;B[dh]C[White's stones are dead.])
(;B[jm]C[This one at least makes Black connected.])
(;B[cj]C[But invading here now is probably better.]))
(;B[qm]C[Maybe Black should play this way, to still focus on the side.]))
(;B[de]C[Black should wedge.]
;B[ed]C[Black can push and cut -- good for Black.])
(;W[cd]C[White must connect.]
;B[dg]C[Ladder works for Black.]))
;W[cg]C[Now Black will not make this exchange.])
;B[bb]C[Much better living shape for Black than the game.]))))
(;B[pl]C[Black's potential on the right is bigger than White's potential on the top, so Black should just stay in her area.]))
(;B[lp]C[Fourth line looks better, because Black cares about the right side.]))
(;W[dr]LB[cp:A][gp:B]C[White should choose this variation, to look for A or B.]
(;W[ep]C[In-seong likes this move when White has K4.]
;W[er]C[Black cannot give this ponnuki.])
;B[dr]C[White's three stones are dead,]
;W[ch]C[But White can squeeze and pincer (or kick) to attack.])))
(;B[fo]C[Better for Black to jump.]
;B[ho]C[Maybe jump twice.]
;W[lq]C[White needs to protect this rather thin connection.]
;B[di]C[Better for Black than the game.]))
(;B[og]C[Usually, Black plays here (thicker, build the outside).]))
(;W[qc]C[Professionals prefer to jump straight into the corner now.]
;W[pc]C[This way Black is not as thick as the other variation.]))
GJ game:
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[7.50]TM[2700]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[greyhound]PB[Ethelor]DT[2017-05-17]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[White+Res.]RE[W+Resign]
;W[jd]WL[2635.338]C[Up to here, this is *exactly* the same as my AYD game from the night before, except this time I'm White. ]
;W[ng]WL[2500.613]C[I probably would not have chosen this move (maybe P11 or something?) but my opponent the night before played this one, so I thought I'd try it too. :)]
;B[ph]BL[2321.475]C[My opponent jumped at the opportunity to play ths move immediately (the one I never got to in my AYD game, but was recommended by In-seong), but GJ didn't think Black had much to do here. Probably it's too early, so White can just run away. When In-seong recommended this in my AYD game the surrounding situation was quite different.]
(;W[qh]WL[2405.215]C[This is not a good response. (White should have nobi'd up.)]
(;W[an]WL[2023.732]C[This is:
a) too soon, and
b) the wrong place to start, and
c) I totally know both of these things, so this is extremely embarrassing. ]
;W[lp]WL[1941.963]SQ[ng][pg][ph]C[GJ says Black doesn't have enough territory now. It's hard because White's head is out and, with the two captured stones, White is very strong.]
(;W[nd]WL[1526.94]C[White's cutting here is a bad idea.]
;W[pd]WL[1513.436]C[Cutting does not give White any territory.]
;W[ie]WL[1490.896]C[This is also a bad move for White, because...]
;B[kc]BL[1947.181]C[Black has this nice rush invasion.]
;B[ig]BL[1892.492]C[But once White is ok, the game is just hard for Black.]
(;W[jf]C[Better to just come out or something like this.]))
(;W[ar]C[If White is going to play here now at all (which White shouldn't, because White is just throwing away ko threats), then White should start here, to gain 3 points in gote later.]
(;B[bp]C[Normally, Black plays this way when White has D6.]
(;B[ni]C[Black missed this chance. (I saw this in the game, and was expecting to have a terrible result at this point, but my opponent missed it.)]
;W[mm]C[Black is outside.]))
;W[nh]C[The whole thing is kind of small, and White can even come back to kill the Black stones.])
;W[of]LB[qk:A]C[White runs away, and White still has A.]))
(;W[kq]C[GJ recommends closing this, to avoid the annoying Black attachment at O3. ])
(;B[mp]C[In this case, the ladder is good (just) for White, but...])
;B[lr]C[Black can still play this way. It's a big fight, but doesn't look so great for White.]))
(;W[oq]C[If White can't fight, White has to play this way.]
;B[mp]C[Better for Black than just playing M3.])))